Monday, December 17, 2007

Another Good Movie: Jab We Met

So finally I watched it. It was long pending and I have not seen a good movie since ages. This one is best performance by Shahid. He acts so flawlessly, effortless acting. Remember scene where he is in train and Kareena is doing bak bak. Watch his face. Or when he meets dara singh(Kareenas grand father) first time. He is superb. What to say about music. After a long time there is a movie for which you would like to buy all songs. My favorite is Tumse Hee. Director Imtiaz Ali finally got his piece of success. His other movies as Socha na tha, ahista ahista, black friday..all were simple movies with no extreme action or extreme comedy or romance. Even this Jab we met is a simple movie which doesn't leave you heavy head.
Kareena looks pretty. She has lost lot of weight and is looking very gorgeous. As usual did overacting but in this movie may be it was required. Other casts were OK. The film becomes a bit slow after interval. May be director should have shown us more of India tourist spots. We can make a cinematographic good movie without going to Switzerland also.
Last but not least, worth to mention the song "ye ishk hai" picturised in manali. It beautifully captures local himachaly dance and local things.
Final word is that movie is paisa wasool. Should be watched in theater only.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Mauritius : Earths Best Honeymoon Destination

Hey guys! After marriage what next? Obviously honeymoon yaar. I was in Mauritius from 29th Nov - 6th Dec 2007 for 1 week honeymoon. Surely honeymoon, weather in Mauritius or in manali, its the best time of your life. I don't remember if I spend such 7 days and nights so tension free, relaxed, just two of us...lost in each other, ever in my life. Or I will be able to do so again. Being known to my wife for almost 5 yrs now, atleast I didnt have the pressure to impress my wife which was very obvious in other couples. We really enjoyed each and every moment of it to the fullest. We did so many things for the first time in life. Starting from parasailing to going 35 mt deep in water in Sub Marine, dancing on beach, salsa with my wife..and so many more. Ahh..wish I could stay there some more time.

Enough is available on Google for Mauritius so I wont get into those details. May be some time I will put a travel blog. But right now I give some special tips for Indian Couples travelling to Mauritius. These are the things which we missed.

1. Water is really costaly inside all honeymoon resorts. In half-boarding travels, food is free but water is 150 rs a ltr. Better buy few bottles(a pack of 6) from Airport on arrival.
2. Do carry some cup noodles as most of the resorts/hotels dont have kitchens. So even maggie doesnt help. Cup noodles easy to cook and eat. Even heat and eat food is also good as you can use hot water in bath tap to heat it.
3. Carry some home made Achaar or maththee so that when you miss indian taste you can try it with local food.
4. Dinner is served at 7:30 PM in resorts/hotels. Be on time else you miss all good things.
5. Do carry Sun cream of SPF > 40 as sun rays are too direct.
6. In sight seeing tours, do carry some ready to eat food as biscuits cake namkeen fruits etc.
7. Floaters and swiming costumes are must. They are costly there(3-4 times).
8. In hotel, always pay in Euro as euro to MUR conversation rate is very poor inside hotel.
9. There is nothing worth in Mauritius Airport Duty Free Shop. If you plan to buy some gifts, shop around waterfront in port louis. You should bargain even in branded shops. The mall is costly but shops along water banks are good one. There are few good indian restarents around.
10. If staying in Indian Resort, ask your Candle Night Dinner in Haseena(Indian Restaurent) instead of Piazzata(Italian).
11. Catch up all free activities like glass bottom boat, kayak, paddling etc. They are worth doing.
12. La Cassela national park is very near and very cheap. Go for jungle safari. Lion observation is not worth. If you can spend, go for walk with lions(2100/- pp)

Marriages: Made in heaven, celeberated in India

So much is said about Fat Indian Weddings. One more wedding of mine to add. I got married on 25th of Nov 2007 and as usual, a lot of money was spend on decoration, tents, travel, catering. I keep on asking this question to myself..cant we do away with such a huge investment? Is it really a necessity to do so much or just a way of flaunting your economic status. Richer you are, more you spend.
Though it was a love-cum-arrange marriage, with so many Egos' crushed and crumbled, still the money spent on all the proceedings from my side and her side was huge enough to support a middle class family for 1 to 2 years with their monthly needs. I am not talking about expenses on cloths or ornaments or honeymoon as they are with you, but the expenses related to Band, Decorated Car, Grand reception of wedding, lights, camera person etc.
With camera person, I want to ask you people reading this, is there any spring in market which fits in your jaw and you always keep on smiling so that camera person can click your picture for infinite number of times. They say that its one time effort for life long memories, but with advent of these digital cameras where there are no limits for taking picture, especially wedding photographers irritate you so much that if you run all the still images taken by them, you will see a running movie.
What I like about our Desi weddings is the family ties which comes to surface. Though our lives becoming so fast we have very less time, but still our generation and last generation is trying to retain the traditions. Probably the kind of fun whole extended family does at a single place is only the marriages and few days before/after that. In my wedding I saw my mama jee dancing with us, whom we always saw in serious mood.
Obviously, a change cant be done by a single individual due to social fabric of India where each of us looks towards other and peer pressure is huge. The efforts like Delhi Sikh Committee banning night weddings and extravagent weddings are surely welcome. Unfortunately Hindus don't have a single body making social laws so some civil law from Govt might help in curbing such un-wanted and un-necessary expenses.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

बचपन की कुछ यादे - भाग १

आज कुछ खास वजह नही है इस ब्लोग को लीख्ने की, बस यूँही अकेला बैठा बीबीसी हिंदी की कुछ कहानिया पढी और अपना बचपन याद आ गया। अब बचपन तो सबका एक जैसा होता है। कम से कम मेरी हम उम्र सबका बचपन एक जैसा था, चाहे वो किसी छोटे शहर में रहे हो या बडे में। मेरी बचपन कि कुछ धुंधली सी यादे मेरे नाना जी के घर कि हैं। उनका घर पहली मंजिल पे था जहा जाने कि सीधी सीधिया थी। एक गंदे से बदबूदार नाले के किनारे वो घर था। सड़क के उस पार एक पार्क था जिसमे एक मंदिर भी था। इन सब बातो कि तसदीक मेरी मा भी करती हैं। मेरे नाना के घर के नीचे एक और परिवार रहता था जिन्हें मैं नीचे वाली नानी कहता था। उनके हाथो मेने दाल और रोटी बहुत खाई है। कुछ धुंधला सा मुझे भी याद है, पता नही मेरी माँ ने बताया इस लिए या वाकई मेरी याददाश्त इतनी तेज थी क्योंकि ४ बरस कि उम्र में हमने वो घर छोड़ दिया।
मेरे पिता जी कि नौकरी एक छोटे से शहर के चीनी मिल में थी। वो घर तो मुझे अछे से याद है। खपरैल का बड़ा सा माकन, सामने खूब बड़ी खेती लायक जमीन जहा हमेशा बैंगन, टमाटर मूली उगी रहते थे। घर कि चौखट से अन्दर जाते ही एक बड़ा सा आंगन जहा बाई और एक टिन शेड मी सूखी लाकदिया और कोयला नहरे रहती थे। दाहिनी और शौचालय और स्नानागार थे। उसके बाद एक पानी का पाइप लगा था शायद बर्तन मांजने के लिए। दाहिनी और ही उस खुले पानी के पाइप के बात रसोई घर था। अन्दर से केसा था इसकी कोई याद नही। रसोई घर कि दीवार तक आँगन ख़त्म था। फिर बाये हाथ पर एक दरवाजा था जो कमरों का प्रवेश था। अन्दर शायद एक सीधी गैलरी थी या कुछ कमरे थे। कुछ ठीक २ याद नही। दर असल ५ बरस तक होते २ मेरा समाया मेरे नाना और मेरे पापा के बीच में कटा। अब जो कुच्छ आधी अधूरी यादे हैं बस यही हैं।
पर हाँ एक बात अछे से याद है और वो है चीनी मिल के गेट पर एक मंदिर। रोज़ सुबह वहा आरती होती थी और हम उस आरती के बाद एक बताशे का प्रसाद लेने पहुंच जाते थे। हमारे घर के पीछे कि खिड़की चीनी मिल के अन्दर खुलती थी जहा एक सुन्दर सा बाग़ था जिसमे गुलाब के फूल लगे थे। मुझे आज भी अछे से याद है कि एक बार उस बाग़ में पर्दा लगा के एक फिल्म दिखाई गयी थी और मैं खिड़की पर बैठ कर वो फिल्म या शायद फिल्म दिखने वाले प्रोजेक्टर और तरीके को देख रह था, मेने अपन खाना भी खिड़की पे बैठ के खाया था। पापा के यह मिल मी जाने का सबसे आसान तरीका था कि गेट पे जाओ गर्द अंकल को बताओ कि फलने आदमी बेटे हैं और बस..आप मिल के अन्दर। खैर ये सब तो थी ५ बरस तक कि धुंधली यादे...

Monday, November 05, 2007

एक छोटी सी कहानी

वो दोनो बहुत डरे हुए थे। शायद ये उम्र का तकाजा था या पहली बार ऐसा करने का डर..लड़की ने बहुत समझाया कि नही मुझे ये नही करना। पर लड़के ने उसे अपने प्यार का वास्ता दिया। "क्या तुम मुझसे प्यार नही करती? मुझपे भरोसा नही है?" अब वो भी तैयार थी। लड़के ने उसे समझाया "बहुत मज़ा आएगा हमे और मैं भी तो हूँ न तुम्हारे साथ!"
लड़के ने पैसे दिए। दरबान ने उन दोनो को घूर के देखा। लड़की ने अपनी नजर नीचे झुका ली। अब वो दोनो भीतर आ चुके थे। लड़के ने अपनी जैकेट उतार दी। लड़की ने भी अपना दुपट्टा उतार दिया। वह पर कुछ अल्मारिया बनी थी। दोनो ने अपने कपडे उसमे रख दिए। लड़के ने लड़की से कहा " पहले तुम!" लड़की ने लड़के का हाथ पकडा और बैठ गयी। लड़का भी उसके बगल भी आकर बैठ गया। उसने अब दरवाजा बंद कर दिया। लड़की ने अपनी आँखे मूँद ली और लड़के का हाथ जोर से पकड़ लिया। उसकी साँसे ज़ोर-जोर से धड़क रही थी। उसके सांसो कि गर्मी लड़के के कंधो पर महसूस हो रही थी। लड़के ने प्यार से लड़की के माथे पर आ रही लटों को सुलझाया। और अपनी हथेली से उसके गालों को थपथपाया।
तभी जोर कि आवाज हुयी और लड़की जोर से चिल्लाई। अब वो दोनो ही बहुत डर गए थे। कभी ऊपर कभी नीचे। दोनो ने अपनी आँखे मूँद ली। लड़की ने लड़के के सीने में अपना मुह छुपा लिया। उसकी सांसे अब और जोर से धड़क रही थी। अब लड़के कि भी धड़कने तेज हो चुकी थी। अब तक वो अपने डर को छुपाने कि कोशिश में कामयाब रह था पर अब उसके चेहरे पे ऐसा कुछ पहली बार करने का डर साफ दिख रह था। या शायद हर बार ऐसा ही डर लगता।
अचानक सब कुछ शांत हो गया। लड़की ने अपनी आँखे खोली। उसने राहत की सांस ली। सब कुछ शांत हो चुका था। लड़के ने दरवाजा खोला। पहले लड़का बाहर निकला फ़िर उसने अपना हाथ बढाया और लड़की ने उसका हाथ पकड़ा। उसके हाथ अभी तक काँप रहे थे। कांपते कदमों से वो बाहर निकली । बाहर जाकर वो बोली " ख़बर दार जो आज के बाद तुम मुझे कभी रोलर कोस्टर पे झूला झूलने लाये तो?"

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A new radio channel in town - Meow

This is my latest addiction. Though this channel claims to be indias first radio station, by woman, for woman and of woman. But its also Indias first radio station which is based on talk show. That means there are very few songs and rest is just people calling in and expressing their views on some topics which are sometime picked up from morning Times of India or contemporary.

For me, I normally dont listen FM radio, because I want to listen to the songs which I want not which some body else make me listen. So I always carry a good collection of Cassettes while I drive, yes i still have Cassette player in my car. Now with this new channel, most of the time, while driving long hours from Noida to G.Noida or back, I am tuned to Meow.

In morning, some shows are specifically for woman, related to kitchen, beauty and other stuffs. But in evening, you have tu-tu meow meow where they ask both genders to participate and express ur views. The best thing is that they dont pass judgement and there is no conclusion. So its just a way to listen what others think.

Also one of their programs, between the sheets, which I am not able to listen much as I myself between the sheets. This program is about the topics, strictly related to physical relations what women think about such things. The host is very popular among woman and even the show.

As I get bored with things easily, lets see how much time I am going to stick with this channel. I know I will come back to my good old RD Burman songs very soon..Till then I am enjoying it. And haan I once called in one of the show by Dr Kiran bedi to give my feedback about police reforms.

Best of luck Kailash - Part 1

Tonight it will be last night of my dear friend Kailash in least for a while. Finally after 8 long years of stay with me..he is leaving for new avenues. In this short life we meet so many people, but only few leave mark like him.
We met some 8 years and 3 odd months back when I joined ST in 1999 june. I was a fresh graduate from lucknow, first time leaving my home. I was too scared and bit introvert. I exactly don remeber now, how and when I met Kailash in office or what was my first impression about him. Obviously he was 7 days senior to me in office so it must be office where I met him. The same day I joined ST guest house. He was also staying there and there was a group of Pant Nagar people there. These boys, Rajat, Kailash .... all have enjoyed their hostel life, which I missed being a day scholar, and very extrovert. They always had so many stories to tell about their college days. This was my first set of friends I made. Kailash was freevlous, jolly and was person who can mixup with any group of any age any type and will enjoy. I remember that on my first birthday in ST, just 8 days after joining ST, I was feeling a bit alone. So I invited Kailash and Rajat to join me for a dinner in motimahal(in front of Shipra hotel, sector 18 side) sponsered by me. They were surprised and were assuming that I must have got some other job. Then I told them about my birthday.
Kailash was in my team, led by bhawna and we used to interact a lot in office and guest house. After one month it was kailash birthday and I still remeber how he distributed the sweets and wished by so many people. Next day he was in fever, which he blames on a special person with whom he shook hand. Then came Dr. Midha, who was nearest doctor in that locality and always wanted to put glucose on him. That time, I some how felt a sense of responsibility and did what I could have done for a friend in need.
After spending 3 months in guest house we moved to our first rented apartment. It was fun those days sharing a house with altogether unknown people. Those were some learning years for me where I learnt how to live and how to share.
Coming back to kailash, we again came very close to each other when we spent some 2 months in Catania. It was a new place, new country but Kailash is one of such person who can make any place fun. I was known for my research and knowledge where as he was known for his jovial nature, easy going attitude. Thats why, I suppose, almost whole ST knew him. We shared some very special moments there. Kailash! do you remember our Naples trip? In train how you managed to explain an italian that we wanted him to change his compartment, just by sign language.
I have moved out of that rented apartment beacuse of my another very dear friend Manish has joined ST. But the relation we shared was still the same. Almost same time danish joined ST and a trio was formed. Danish was a sincere, khadoos kind of guy. In coming years this relation was going to reach new hieghts.

काराओके Karaoke bar in Delhi

Those who know me well, also know I have recently developed a passion for Karaoke Singing. Karaoke is a form of singing in which you sing along a pre-recorded background music of some famous song. I have setup a small studio at my home with 5 speaker system and have a good collection of new and old songs.
Karaoke started in Japan where there are bars/clubs where you can go and have lunch/dinner and also share your singng talent with other like minded people. Its something like you have some salsa nights in delhi discos. I also caught some KARAOKE bars in Milan.
Last week while visiting Pacific Mall in Ghaziabad, Near Anand Vihar ISBT, I entered, I suppose, Delhi's first Karaoke bar. Its nice and well decorated located at 1st floor of mall, in front direction as you enter. The bar has small cabins in which you have a TV, a karaoke player and a big couch. You can order, from a limited menu(just snacks and drinks(soft)..dont expect lunch or dinner). Then you can opt for a karaoke session. There exist a karaoke song menu, very exhaustive, both hindi and english including old kishore songs to new Shanker Ehsan Loy songs.
The rates are a bit high. They charge 150 bucks for a half and hour session of karaoke which is extra of what you order for food.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Casteism: Does it still exists in our generation

This is frankly a shocking thing happened to me last week. I was chatting on a site when I met a girl. She was from Noida itself and pursuing her MBA from some Gaziabad college. After usual stuff of introduction, she asked me whats your full name. I asked directly, "Do you want to know my caste?" She didnt reply. Then I said "I am ambedkar". For those who dont know ambedkars are un-touch ables who used to do dirty jobs of collecting garbage's etc in last decades. Now she replied "Bye". I was so surprised. This was first case of Caste ism happened to me on a virtual world. I asked her, "So if I am an un-touchable, you will not even chat to me on a virtual site leave alone sitting with me in class? What kind of thinking you have?" Now she came in defensive mode saying " I hate mayawati and her policies so I hate ambedkars." Which is just a nonsense excuse. Then I took a leave from her and logged out.
But that made me think about the deep roots of this caste ism in us. What if she after doing her MBA joins a company as HR executive who plays key role in selection of candidates. With this mindset, she will never appreciate the potential of a candidate if he/she belongs to some lower caste. If a young girl of our generation has such thought process, what about our last generation where such thoughts were so much deep rooted. People with such hatred and paranoid about schedule castes, that too in most of higher positions of power and selection, will never allow any candidate to enter though he/she is capable for that.
Doesnt this justifies RESERVATIONS. If we, at upper castes, are being un fair to them because of our inherent thoughts, why not they should use some unfair means like RESERVATIONS to reach equal to us? What do you guys say..

Sunday, September 16, 2007

How to know when your daughter is falling in a relation?

Hi guys!
Again I am back with a thought. As I have been in a relation and was able to fool the parents for so many years ;-). Now when I am finally marrying the same girl so I thought why not give some tips to the parents. So they can relate more to their child? Why not have a cordial relation with your son or daughter? Obviously we in india are not so open that a girl or boy will tell her/his parents about her relation frankly. The initiative should be from parents side only. So here are some tips for them when they know about it. Please post replys to add some more.

1. When ur daughter starts coming late frequently unreasonably.
2. When suddenly she starts demanding more money than usual.
3. When all of a sudden she starts taking interest in fashion and dressing sense.
4. When she start talking on phone for hrs n says she's talking to her fren regarding studies.

Monday, August 06, 2007

मेरा पहला hindi blog

प्यारे दोस्तो,
मुझे कुछ दिन पहले ही यह पता चला कि मैं हिंदी मे भी ब्लोग लिख सकता हूँ। यह मेरा पहला प्रयास है कि मैं कुछ हिंदी मे लिखू। मैं धन्यवाद देता हूँ एक अनजानी मित्र का जिन्होंने मेरे ब्लोग पर कुछ तिप्पदिया छोडी थी और उन्हें पढ़ कर मैं जब उनके ब्लोग पे गया तो देखा कि उन्होने तो सारा ब्लोग ही दिन्दी मे लिखा है। ब्लागस्पाट मे settings मे जाके आप हिंदी ट्रांस्लितेरेशन on कर दे और आप भी हिंदी मे ब्लोग लिख सकते हैं। चलिये फिर मैं जल्द ही कोई सुरुचि पूर्ण कहानी या विचार लेके आऊंगा तब तक मेरा ब्लोग पढ़ते रहिए.....फिर मिलते हैं। अलविदा

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Movies I saw in last month

Please dont consider it as movie review. Its my personal say on the movies(old and new) I watched in last couple of weeks. To begin with, I started with a DVD containing Namesake, Provoked, Salam-e-Ishk and Guru. Well I wont discuss the last two.
Namesake: Story of a Indian bengali couple living in US of A trying to adjust with changing values of their kids and still retaining core. The protogonist is Gogul, played well by Kal penn, who is stuck in middle of his parents,Irfan khan and Tabbu, value system and his inherited US culture. The movie is different from other movies based on this topic as it shows a middle of path approach. Specially a scene where these yound bengali couple get marry in bengali style and then they celeberate honeymoon typical US style. A bit slow movie but good watch on DVD.
Next was Provoked. A sadistic movie trying to show a fight of woman against domastic violence as well as herself to be able to get freed from jail for killing her husband. Ash does her role well and some times you want to kill Naveen Andrews for beating her. I didnt like the movie that much.
Then I recently watched two World War-II based movies. Schindlers List and Life is Beautiful. Well what to say about them. Both won so many oscars. Now I think that if you wanna win a Oscar, just make movie on plight of Jews in Germany. Oscar gauranteed. Schindlers list is master piece and will certainly bring tears in your eyes. I cant imagine something like that happened in so called civil society and how One man alone, Hitler, could convince whole of machinery and people of Germany to do something so in-human. But history says that 60 Million jews killed in 6 years. But history is written by winners. May be US will right off Saddam Hussain killed all Iraq's in 10 years war(though 80% got killed in US Bombings).
Life is beautiful is about a Jews family kept in such concentration camps where father(Robert Bertini) shows a false and beautiful picture of this prison to his son। He tells him that its a game and we live like this so we earn points and in end who has maximum points will ride a Tank. In end, when germany get defeat, the child really rides a tank and believes his father(who got killed by germans). Movie is good and you feel good how our parents make life so beautiful for us taking all atrocities over them.
अंत मे मेने कितने दिनों बाद एक गोविंदा कि फिल्म देखी। पार्ट नर । एक इंग्लिश फिल्म Hitch का हिंदी रीमेक कह सकते हैं परंतु दविड़ धवन ने अपनी छाप छोडी है और सुमधुर संगीत इसे और भी अलग बाना देता है। कहानी है एक प्रेम गुरू और एक असफल बेवकूफ आदमी कि जो अपनी कंपनी कि मालकिन से प्यार कर्ता है। प्रेम गुरू उसे कुछ तरीके बताते हैं जिससे वो अपने प्यार को पा सके। साथ मे प्रेम गुरू का अपना भी प्यार चल रहा है। अंत मे कुछ गलत्फह्मिया और फिर सब मिल जाते हैं। अभिनाय्के मामले मे गोविंदा ने सलमान से बजी मारी है पर सलमान भाई तो दिन पर दिन जवान होते जा रहे हैं। गोविंदा कि उम्र अब दिखने लगी है लेकिन अभी भी उन्हें कैटरिना कैफ़ जैसी सुन्दर नायिका मिल जाती है। फिल्म का कमजोर पक्ष है थोडी बहोत asynchronization गोविंदा और सलमान मे। बाकी बधिया टिम पास हैं

My Patent

Hey Guys!
Just to share this. I got my patent applied to US Patent office(Its already been granted in India). To see the link, click @

Friday, July 20, 2007

My GuruDwara Experience

Hi folks,

Here is something that I would like to share with you. Its some strange thing that haapend to me yesterday. Its not that I have never been to any religious place ever. Most of you know that I visit temple every Tuesday. It is also not that I have never been to a religious place from some other religion. I have been to Mosque twice (once in Lucknow Imambara and second time in Delhi Lal Quila), been to Church thrice ( to my school church, in Italy and in London, once also attended prayer). But till yesterday I had never been to a GURUDWARA. I always had a curiosity that how Sikhs offer their prayers. But luckily or unluckily never got a chance. And now I am going to share my experience I got when for the first time I entered in a guru darbar. Lets briefly describe situations in which I reached here.
I was to go to Chandni Chowk to do some shopping with my aunty. So she called me their and told me to wait outside famous SHEESHGANJ GURUDWARA their. Its martyrdom place of guru Teg Bahadur also. It was evening time around 6:00 PM and I was waiting outside for her. Mercury was too high and monsoon seems to knocking at Delhi. But yet not raining.
Suddenly a person came to me and told me, " I am seeing you standing outside gurudwara from last couple of minutes. Either you go inside or please move from here." I had no other option to go inside. So honestly speaking, it was not my faith which brought me there. As I was about to enter, a sardar jee with a long Bhala stopped me. I thought, "May be non-sikhs are not allowed". But how the hell does he know that I am not sikh? He pointed his finger to a bin. Lots of small cloths were there in it. He told me to wear one. So finally I got his point that you cant enter a gurudwara Bare-head. I opted for my handkerchief ( I dont know why I hesitated to wear one from them). I tied it one my head and entered inside.
It was a large hall with a large carpet on the floor. At one end of hall, there was a kind of platform on which some thing was kept. Near to him three persons were sitting and singing some religious song. I first gazed at the architecture of whole building. There were lots of chandeliers and big lights. The hall was two floored with upper floor used for some offices. I went inside and sat down quietly on the carpet.
Then something strange happened. I found myself filled with some strange feeling. I was out of this world with no body around me. I don't know where I was, what I am listening to, what I am looking at.This strange thing have never happened to me. Even in temple also, lots of vague thoughts keep coming to me when I am praying to God. But here, It was so quiet, so blank. No thoughts, pure SHANTI. I dont know how much time I was there. When aunty touched me from back I was back to earth.
I had never had such a feeling so I thought to share with you. May be any of you have felt the same. We go to religious places so many times but few times present their mently. Same thoughts keep haunting there also. But NOT THIS TIME.
My apologies are again with them whome religious sentiments are hurted by any words above. I have just written truth.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

This happens also in Italy!!

This is my 3rd trip to Italy. But it happened first time. Though I have seen many people playing some instruments in Metro in my last trip and collecting money, but this was one of its own type. Yes, you must have met people on traffic lights in Delhi, asking you some help as someone has pick-pocket them. They need to go to their home and ask a small amount let say 10 Rs. This time something similar happened to me in Milan.
I was sitting on the stairs of this famous church Duamo on one Sunday afternoon with one of my friend. Suddenly a guy came and said something to me in Italian. I said "Non capito" which means I don't understand in Italian. He then spoke in English, Do you understand English? I said yes. Then he said, "I am in big trouble someone has pick-pocket him and he needs to call his friend urgently, so can I lend him some money?" I said "how much" "may be couple of Euros" he replied. This guy was looking more of a European but his English was fluent. I was about to give him 1 Euro, suddenly I thought. I have purchased a new Italian Sim card with a very cheap plan in which I can call anywhere in world at 15 cents. I thought may be I can help him by allowing him to make a call from my mobile. I said, "where does your friend live?" Now he was not prepared for this. He said hesitantly "Africa". I said "Ok, you can call your friend using my mobile" "No, no its my personal no. How can I show it to you? You give me money I will call from Public Booth" I said " Ok you can delete the no after u call" Now He was not in good mood. He said angrily "you don't want to give me money" "No" "Ok Fine" and he left. By now I have remembered all such incidents that have happened with me and my friends in India(also shown in movie traffic signal).So both of yes started laughing and said "This happens also in Italy"

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Home delivery in noida

This sunday I wanted to get some delicious chicken delivered to my home in noida and I got stuck as I didnt have phone numbers to call. Then I collected few of them posting them here. I hope people will append them as comments.

Kam Bhoj - 0120-2430413 Sec 37
Kitchen of punjab- 9873263285 - CSM
Tiffin - 0120-4254990 - Sec 20
Pizza hut - 0124-3911111 Centralised call center for NCR
Mc Donald - 0120-2513634
Dominos - 0120 - 2512049-53 Sec 18 Noida
SkyLark - 0120 - 2525336 - Sec 19 Noida
Yo China - 0120 - 4326615-18 - Sec 18 Noida

VCD Home Delivery
Pandey - 0120 - 4354026 Sec 12 Only original
colaba - 9810576111 - Sec 22 Pirated too

Very good delhi govrnment website

Hey guys!! I recently browsed through this interesting link. Might be useful for people living in delhi. - All delhi govt department listed - Detailed road map, better than google.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007